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Tell Congress DACA recipients need permanent solutions now

On September 13, 2023, Judge Hanen ruled against the Deferred Action for Childhool Arrivals (DACA) program for a second time. The ruling means that while current DACA holders are protected and can continue to renew their status, new DACA applications cannot be processed or approved. Congress needs to hear from you about the urgent need to create a pathway to citizenship now.  

For far too long, DACA holders have been living in legal limbo due to our government’s inability to pass laws that can create safety from deportation and lessen the anxiety that DACA holders and their families experience. Enough is enough! Immigrant stability should not be battered by the courts when it has been demonstrated that DACA holders and recipients are people who contribute to our communities, and image bearers of the Divine in need of stability and permanency.  

Call your representative and urge them to create a pathway to citizenship for DACA holders and their families! 

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