Deep Breaths Ash Wednesday Lectionary Readings: First reading: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 or Isaiah 58:1-12 | Psalm: Psalm 51:1-17 | Second reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 | Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Ash Wednesday is when we face our mortality head-on, reflecting on our purpose in God’s creation. This year, it doesn’t take much effort to tap into our frailty. We confront death and chaos daily. Faith communities are leaning into this Lenten season with a strong emphasis on truth-telling, calling attention to failings in our current political and social realities and to the evil policies and rhetoric that are harming people across the world. Yet amid our prophetic witness, we must also not overlook our own failings. This season of repentance is an opportunity to examine our own hearts lest we fall into the traps of ego and pride. Most of us reading this today live with some level of privilege — some more than others. And if we are not careful, our human ego can lead us into a savior complex, where we begin seeking praise and recognition for the good we do. But scripture reminds us, “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3). Our acts of grace are not meant to be performative. We do not serve, pray, or help for applause. We do so because our hearts are broken — just as God’s heart is broken. We love because we were first loved. This is an act of worship and resistance. So on this Ash Wednesday and all the days ahead, let us boldly call out the evil of empire. But let us also be vigilant, watching for the more subtle evils — pride, self-righteousness, and the temptation to seek validation — that can quietly pull us away from God’s grace. Let this season be one of truth, humility, and love. Join me in this season of reflection, resistance, and worship by listening to my Ash Wednesday playlist. — Rev. Moya Harris, Director of Racial Justice, Sojourners